Inscription in Church Slavonic: Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. (John 1:29) Feast Day(s): 24th June (Nativity); 29th August (Beheading), 7th January (Synaxis)...
Inscription in Church Slavonic: Behold the Lamb of God
who takes away the sins of the world. (John 1:29)
Feast Day(s): 24th June (Nativity); 29th
August (Beheading), 7th January (Synaxis)
St John is shown half-length wearing a brown hair shirt,
traditional for desert ascetics, and over which he wears a blue himation
with gold reflexes there is also a kovcheg or raised border. He holds a
chalice-shaped discos, or paten, in his left hand while his right-hand
points to what it contains: the miniature figure of Christ as the Eucharistic
symbol of the Lamb of God. John is turned to his right reverently gazing towards
what would have been an icon of the Saviour, present whereabouts unknown. An
icon of the Mother of God, also facing inwards, would have completed the group constituting
a Deesis[1]
[1] The Greek word ‘Deesis’ means prayer or ‘entreaty’ and
is usually rendered today as Intercession. That is the meaning of the image of
Christ the Saviour attended by The Virgin and John the Baptist interceding on
behalf of humanity at the Throne of Judgment.